Friday, February 6, 2009

Washed Up Weekend Round Up

Corporate Niggas using their "interview" voice when the cop approached the car which smelt like Lil Wayne's tour bus. "Officer we weren't doing anything......." = Washed the Fuck Up

A car with a nigga in a sweater, pink shirt and tie, a white girl that would probably knock out half the goons in Delaware, a nigga who stuffed $40 worth of weed into his hightop chuck taylor like he was an extra in Cooley High, a chick that was sending "I miss you" texts all night and a nigga who refuses to wear a coat in 20 degree weather.....all of whom were shouting the lyrics to washed up king DMX's "Stop being greedy" at the top of their lungs = Washed the Fuck Up

A nigga giving me $7.00 to drive him to work = Washed the Fuck Up

A nigga eating wings at a strip club ANYTIME = Washed the Fuck Up

A nigga falling asleep during the Super Bowl and then waking up and going to Denny's for a Milkshake at 1 am =Washed the Fuck Up

Any nigga who is going to see "He's just not that into you" = Washed the Fuck Up....ill be there on Sunday with a Cardigan, a coffee and my washed up sidekick.

*Disclaimer....dont take offense im just a washed up nigga with an opinion and no woman to go home to hahaha


Some girl said...

Now what about eating wings at home from a strip club? The bbq sauce was homemade!

DELienz said...

Sitting home saturday night listening to Reflections Eternal by Talib Kweli and DJ Hi-Tek = Washed the Fuck up